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Hydrogen-Rich Water: Miracle Drink What is Hydrogen-Rich Water?

Hydrogen-Rich Water: Miracle Drink What is Hydrogen-Rich Water?

Hydrogen-Rich Water: Miracle Drink What is Hydrogen-Rich Water?
Hydrogen-Rich Water is normal water with extra molecule hydrogen dissolved into it. The benefits of hydrogen have only recently been discovered, and the use of hydrogen-rich water is rather new to the healthcare sector. Hydrogen-Rich Water improves both physical and mental health. This maintains holistic health and prevents various diseases.

What is Hydrogen-Rich Water?
 Alkaline water is a type of water that has many healthy minerals. Hydrogen-Rich Water is an example of these kind of waters. Hydrogen-Rich Water is generated by increasing the amount of hydrogen at normal levels in plain water. This allows us to make more use of the benefits of hydrogen. Those who wonder what Hydrogen-Rich Water is especially research how this water will benefit and whether there is any harm. Hydrogen-Rich Water supports the physical health thanks to its medical benefits.

Hydrogen is a colorless, odorless and non-toxic gas. It bonds to carbon, nitrogen and oxygen and is used to form many different compounds. One of these compounds is water. Normal water contains two hydrogen and one oxygen. Water containing additional hydrogen is called hydrogen-rich water. Hydrogen water can be easily absorbed by your body and has no side effects. There are different methods to generate hydrogen-rich water. For example, infusing extra hydrogen into pure water or using hydrogen water tablets. However, the healthiest method is to use machines that convert water into hydrogen-rich water.

Science Behind Hydrogen-Rich Water
The medical use of hydrogen water today is the result of purely scientific studies. The benefits of Hydrogen-Rich Water were discovered by Japanese scientists in 2007 after a series of studies. Studies have revealed that hydrogen gas has shown antioxidant ability when inhaled. It was also found to protect the brain from the harmful effects of free radicals.

The discovery of the benefits of hydrogen can be traced back to 1798. It was only in 1798 that hydrogen was proven to be beneficial in the treatment of inflammation and injury. However, the use of hydrogen started becoming popular in 2007.  A paper published in Nature Medicine by Dr. Ohta et al. was able to attract the attention of scientists interested in the subject. The benefits of hydrogen-rich water, discovered by scientists in Japan, were later extended to Germany and the United States. Later, the whole world began to benefit from the effects of this miraculous drink.

What Is The Difference Between Hydrogen-Rich Water And Regular Water?
Hydrogen-rich water contains more hydrogen than regular water. The hydrogen level can be increased by applying various treatments to water, which is normally composed of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom.  This can be done using different methods. Hydrogen-rich water is particularly effective as an antioxidant.

Unlike regular water, hydrogen-rich water has a hexagonal molecular structure. This shape is smaller in regular water. In hydrogen-rich water, the molecular cluster is also smaller. This allows water to circulate easily through the cells. Hydrogen-rich water has more hydrating properties. This also accelerates the regeneration of cells.

Hydrogen-rich water is not only for drinking but can also be used externally. Hydrogen-rich water baths are available in wellness centers in Japan. This allows us to benefit from the positive effects of water on the skin without even drinking it.

Other than baths, hydrogen facial masks are also available. Thanks to the antioxidant qualities of hydrogen, it can prevent skin damage and reduce the signs of aging. Also, thanks to the anti-inflammatory properties of hydrogen, it can reduce inflammation on the skin and help relieve skin problems such as acne and blackheads.

How Much Hydrogen Water Should I Drink A Day?
There is no clear limit to the daily intake of hydrogen-rich water. However, you can replace a certain portion of your daily water consumption with hydrogen-rich water. For example, someone who consumes 2 liters of water a day can also drink hydrogen-rich water for 8 glasses and witness miraculous effects. 8 glasses are enough to benefit from the miraculous effects of hydrogen-rich water.

Benefits of Drinking Hydrogen-Rich Water
Questions about whether hydrogen-rich water is healthy are often asked, especially by those who have only recently become aware that such a thing exists. There are numerous health benefits of hydrogen-rich water. Different organs in our body, various diseases and conditions require daily consumption of hydrogen-rich water.

· Antioxidant Properties
Even environmental factors such as UV exposure and air pollution generate free radicals in the skin. Besides, stressors such as illnesses, smoking and excessive drinking can also lead to the production of free radicals in human skin.

Hydrogen-rich water contains the antioxidants that the body needs. Owing to its antioxidant effect, oxidative stress and other health problems that arise as a result can be prevented. In addition, the negative effects caused by free radicals can also be avoided. It is very natural for the body to absorb this water and deliver it to the parts where it can be beneficial. Hydrogen's small molecular structure makes it easier to reach cells.

Hydrogen-rich water has been found to have a positive effect on multiple anti-aging factors. Thanks to hydrogen-rich water, telomeres retain their normal length for longer, delaying the aging process and improving DNA methylation

The benefits of hydrogen-rich water have also been proven based on studies. In a study of 49 people with liver disease, the subjects consumed hydrogen-rich water for six weeks. As a result of this study, patients experienced an increase in quality of life. During the study, compared to the placebo group, there was also a reduction in radiation-induced negative effects such as burnout, hair loss, skin problems and nausea.

· Reduces Inflammation
Hydrogen-rich water contributes significantly to many pathological conditions in which inflammation is the cause.

To understand the effect of hydrogen-rich water in reducing inflammation, it is necessary to analyze the studies conducted on athletes. In a study including 10 soccer players, hydrogen-rich water was found to reduce fatigue more rapidly and relieve inflammation, speeding up recovery time. Wounds heal faster in people who consume hydrogen-rich water. Thanks to this feature, wounds that occur during sports or training are treated in no time and athletes will not have to end their careers.

Studies on mice revealed that hydrogen is good for anxiety and memory disorders. As such, hydrogen-rich water also reduces the risk of neurodegenerative diseases (Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, etc.) by reducing inflammation in the brain.

· Reduces Oxidative Stress
Those who wonder if hydrogen-rich water is safe should decide by specifically examining the benefits achieved. Another of these benefits is beneficial for oxidative stress. Oxidative stress refers to the proliferation of free radicals in the body and the inability of antioxidants to prevent this growth. Free radicals cause chemical reactions by interacting with different molecules. This process is also called oxidation. The adverse side of this oxidation is oxidative stress.

Thanks to the antioxidant nature of hydrogen-rich water, oxidative stress can be prevented. Oxidative stress may have different underlying causes. This kind of stress can arise due to normal body structure. The sun and various chemicals can also have this kind of effect. Oxidative stress can lead to cancer and other diseases. Such health problems can be avoided by regular consumption of hydrogen-rich water. The antioxidant nature protects you against pathogens produced by free radicals. Free radicals, which are unstable and cause diseases, become more harmless thanks to hydrogen-rich water, which has an antioxidant nature. Otherwise, the DNA and protein structure is damaged. Some of the diseases caused by oxidative stress are cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and obesity.

· Beautifies & Improves Skin Health
Hydrogen-rich water is especially beneficial for the skin health. Thanks its anti-aging effect, wrinkles and other age-related skin problems can be alleviated by hydrogen-rich water. Besides, it may help against conditions such as fatigue and slowing down of brain functions. Hydrogen can easily be absorbed into the human body. It can spread rapidly to skin tissues and cells, preventing the skin barrier from breaking down.

Also, hydrogen-rich water proved to have an antiallergic effect. Mice reacting to certain allergens were treated with hydrogen-rich water and the allergic reactions disappeared. When the same allergens were reintroduced to fully recovered mice, an increase in cytokine production was observed. A cytokine is a protein that facilitates the body's response to foreign substances and strengthens the immune system. Hydrogen-rich water strengthens the immune system, which makes the body stronger against infections and prevents the body from getting sick.

· Promotes Healthy Eating and Supports Digestive System
Those who want to eat healthy and lose weight should drink hydrogen-rich water. Hydrogen-rich water helps those who want to lose weight. It becomes easier to achieve the ideal body mass index. Hydrogen, which is essential for the antioxidant water production, also regulates bowel movements. Preventing disorders caused by intestinal problems such as constipation and diarrhea is easily managed thanks to waters with a high molecular hydrogen content.

Methods to generate hydrogen-rich water
The question of how to generate hydrogen-rich water arouses curiosity, especially in those who want to drink this type of water. This water is produced either by adding substances to the water or by a number of processes. It is possible to generate hydrogen-rich water by dissolving molecular hydrogen tablets into water. Hydrogen gas in its pure form is added to water. Once completed, the water packages are sealed airtight and placed on the market. It is also possible to mix additional hydrogen molecules into the water.

Electrolysis is another method to generate hydrogen-rich water. Following this process, which is carried out by various machines, the water becomes richer in hydrogen. During electrolysis, it is also possible to decide how much hydrogen to add. Hydrogen can be produced at higher or closer to standard values.

The electrolysis method is the healthiest way to generate hydrogen-rich water. This prevents any reduction in the beneficial minerals in the water. Only the effect of useful minerals is enhanced. Adding hydrogen also has more beneficial effects than normal water. Fakir Aqua Gio uses electrolysis to provide you with hydrogen-rich water in the healthiest way possible.

Technology To Improve Water Quality: It is Now Super Easy to Get Hydrogen-rich Water with Fakir Aqua Gio!
The easiest and healthiest way to generate hydrogen-rich water is definitely using Fakir Aqua Gio. This device, which is produced with premium technology by Fakir, has all the details to make it extremely easy to use with the touch panel, three different modes and LED light. Offering 1600 ml capacity, this product supports safe and healthy water consumption in every home. You can now order the Fakir Aqua Gio hydrogen-rich water generator to miraculously transform your home life and benefit from the positive effects of hydrogen-rich water.
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